is a free, no obligation, service that connects debtors with our network of debt relief providers. does not offer debt relief services, broker loans or offer financial products. Our company’s entire purpose is to help you find the best expert assistance possible and make sure you are in safe professional hands. does not assume consumer debt, make payments to creditors or offer tax, bankruptcy, accounting or legal advice. Nor does it offer credit repair services. If you choose to work with one of our debt relief providers, they will supply a proposal for debt relief services and will likely charge a fee for these services. By submitting your information, you agree to be contacted by our debt relief providers licensed in your state via phone, text messaging and/or email.
Providing your information on this web site does not guarantee approval for debt relief services. Debt Settlement companies, by law, may not be charge you any fee until a debt settlement is arranged on your behalf, you approve the settlement, and at least one payment is made towards the settlement. Not all debtors are able to complete debt relief programs for various reasons, including their ability to save enough funds. Debt relief services could negatively impact your credit and may result in legal action against you by creditors or collectors for unpaid balances.
Please read and understand all program materials prior to enrolling, including potential adverse impact of credit rating. Please contact a tax professional to discuss tax consequences of settlement. Debt relief services are not available in all states and fees will vary from state to state.